A RAFT of challenges faced the regional food and drink industry, according to Sir Donald Curry.

But Sir Donald, who chaired the Growing Your Business conference, at Hagley Hall, near Kidderminster, on Friday, said there were also "masses" of opportunities.

"We are at a cross-roads," said Sir Donald, who chaired the Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food, which reported to the Government in January 2002.

"Food and drink producers are facing a raft of new challenges - it is a changing world.

"But we have to manage and control the changes, not react to them."

He said regional food was a growing market, which meant opportunities.

"I'm picking up on everyone's enthusiasm - the recognition that it is a growth market," he said.

"There are masses of opportunities not yet unlocked. We have to husband the resources available to move our industry forward.

"We have got to get everybody rowing in the same direction. Let's go for it!"