CUTS to youth service funding will lead to an increase in vandalism and anti-social behaviour on Worcester estates according to city councillors.

The council has slashed more than £30,000-worth of grants to youth groups in its budget for 2003/04.

This will result in a reduction of services for young people in the city of around 25 per cent.

In the past, groups such as Horizon, in the city centre, Communities Around the Park in Tolladine and Brickfields, and Streets Ahead in Dines Green, were given grants totalling more than £50,000.

But this year, they will have to take a share of the £22,000 on offer.

At a recent council meeting, where the Conservative administration's budget was approved, some members expressed concerns about the effect the cuts would have on the city.

"The reduction doesn't sound like a lot of money but the effect it will have will be tremendous," said Councillor Jo Hodges.

"I predict that we will see an increase in vandalism and nuisance by those affected by the cuts."

Coun Paul Denham agreed. "This will result in long-term social problems because our young people will not be properly occupied," he said.

Jim Alsop, chairman of Worcester Action for Youth, an organisation that provides activities for youth groups, said the grants, as they were, enabled some 25,000 sessions with young people to take place in the areas of greatest need, including Tolladine, Ronkswood and Dines Green.

"Reducing the amount of grant by £28,000 has been partly tempered by an increase from the Community Safety Partnership source," he said.

"But there is still a net reduction of £25,000 to a service, which is already being run on a shoestring."

"We are talking about a small amount of money, which achieves a large amount of good.

"An awful lot of young people will miss out on the activities they are currently taking part in," Mr Alsop added.

Councillor Derek Prodger, the cabinet member responsible for community services, said the council was working hard to obtain alternative funding for youth groups.

"At this moment in time, we have made allocations to more than 20 organisations for support funding," he said.

"We have received positive responses from two, and we have no negative responses so far, so I am still very optimistic."

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