POWICK Parish Council has said 'no' to a mobile recycling scheme - and demanded a kerbside collection project instead.

Members had found it impossible to choose a suitable site for a temporary glass and bottle bank, which would be delivered and collected by Malvern Hills District Council on a regular basis.

They had decided that the district council should be left to choose suitable sites if it was imposing the scheme on parishes.

But this month district councillor Rob Richards asked them to give the mobile scheme a chance, saying that kerbside collection would eventually come, but they should use the mobile scheme in the meantime.

A survey had shown that 90 per cent of local people would welcome the opportunity to recycle waste, he said.

He suggested consulting with residents about having the recycling banks in a layby at Bastonford and a car park at Colletts Green.

"It's not like an open skip. It's just papers and bottles. I think we have a duty to try to do this and if it causes problems we will move it," he said.

But Powick's other district councillor, Tom Wells, asked members to consider somewhere "less sensitive" than the Colletts Green car park and suggested the Callow End car park, on the council's own land.

"Let's be realistic. Someone will put a match to it," said Gill Hunt.

"I think we should have a proper kerbside collection scheme with big vehicles. The more we accept a half-way measure, the more we will be left with that."

Members agreed to lobby the district council for kerbside collection.