A MALVERN school has been given the top award for sport and fitness by government body Sport England.

Great Malvern Primary is the only school in Worcestershire and one of only 71 in the whole country to receive the Activemark Gold award for "outstanding commitment to physical activity as part of the school's provision."

"We are absolutely delighted with this award because it is a culmination of years of hard work and support from staff, parents and outside providers in the community," said headteacher Jonathan Sides.

"The assessment is very thorough and makes us all the more proud to have achieved it.

"As a school we never rest on our laurels and we will be working towards the next stage on PE development centring on gymnastic skills."

The Activemark Gold is valid for three years and is handed out to schools that offer a well balanced physical education programme, provide an environment that encourages physical activity and teaches children the importance of staying active for life.

"We are finding more and more of our young people are becoming overweight as a result of their diet and sedentary lifestyle," said Roger Draper, Sport England's acting chief executive.

"We need to re-emphasise the benefits of sport and physical activity to children and young people through positive first experiences at school."