A MARRIAGE guidance helpline has been set up for couples whose relationships have been strained by the foot-and-mouth crisis in the two counties.

The scheme is run by Relate, and funded by a £10,000 grant from the regional development agency Advantage West Midlands (AWM).

It aims to repair some of the damage caused by the 2001 crisis, which devastated farming communities in the region. It will also be in place to counteract a fresh outbreak.

"The line offers specific help to those from rural communities whose relationships have been placed under extreme pressure because of foot-and-mouth," said Lorraine Preece, centre development manager for Relate Worcestershire.

"People lost their businesses and livelihoods and this creates an enormous amount of stress and anxiety on a marriage."

The helpline comes after Birmingham-based law firm Benussi & Co saw a "significant rise" in the number of farmers from the region seeking divorce.

Ian Baker, foot-and-mouth recovery programme manager at AWM, said the scheme had provided a lifeline for families affected by the outbreak.

"We hope we have made a material difference through the work we have done to help families," he said.

The helpline number is 0845 1304010.