Chris Lamare from Inkberrow took one step closer to achieving his lifelong dream of becoming a professional racing driver, having made it through to the pre-final of the Michelin Renault Scholarship.

Now his sights are set on winning the overall prize of a fully funded season in this year's Elf Clio Renaultsport Cup run by Tim Sugden Motorsport - worth over £80,000.

He has proved his worth behind the wheel as he passed through the first three preliminary rounds, impressing the team of judges with his handling of a two-litre Renault Sport Clio.

International GT driver Tim Sugden set up the scholarship in 1996 to uncover new racing talent. It provides anyone aged over 17 with the chance to break into motorsport regardless of age, sex, previous experience or financial backing.

The pre-final will be at Croft on Thursday and if the judges feel Lamare has what it takes to become a racing driver, he will join nine others to battle it out in the grand final, also at Croft on Friday.

This involves demanding driving challenges, including time sessions, fitness tests and how to deal with the media.

The judging panel comprises Sugden, representatives from Ren-ault, Michelin and last year's winner Robert Huff, who came third overall in the 2002 Elf Clio Renaultsport Cup.