FOR a time I stopped reading the Phillpott File because I found the bitter political bias irritating.

However, recently I have begun reading it again and find great amusement each week reading just what he can possibly blame the Labour Party for next.

If he was writing an article about global warming, North Korea's nuclear threat, the demise of the skylark or in fact any subject, I bet he could blame the Labour Party for it. On the other hand, the Tory and Independents can do no wrong at all.

Apart from the obvious huge chip on his shoulder there may be other explanations for this.

He may be getting his information from only one source and not speaking to a wide selection of people, thereby missing the whole picture.

Another is simply that he has no friends in the Labour Party, and many who are Tory and Independents and, like all good friends, he believes in them and will support them come what may, no matter what mess they get into.

This is, after all, the definition of a good friend.

I would like to suggest that the title of his article is changed. "Taking a look at the not-so-obvious" is not at all a suitable title as it's all too obvious from which side he's doing the looking.


Battenhall Road,
