AN inquest heard how a couple discovered their nephew lying dead on their kitchen floor.

Michael Drew, aged 44, had arrived at his uncle and aunt's home in Foxwell Street, Worcester, after a drinking session a few hours earlier, at 5.30am on Sunday, January 26.

The unemployed machinist was found dead later that morning.

At an inquest into his death, held at Stourport-on-Severn yesterday, Worcestershire coroner, Victor Round said: "His family saw him lying on the kitchen floor saying he wanted to be left there at 5.30am."

Mr Round said, a few hours later, Mr Drew's aunt and uncle came down the stairs and found him in the same position he'd been in before, but dead.

Mr Round said a post mortem report revealed that the cause of death was acute alcohol poisoning.

"As a contributing factor he did have a certain amount of heart disease," said Mr Round.

Mr Round said after the death, tests revealed Mr Drew, of Oakridge Close, Warndon, Worcester, had 459mg in 100ml of blood - almost six times the legal drink-drive limit.

"This is poisoning by quantity of alcohol," said Mr Round. "There is no reason to think he intended that to happen."

Mr Round recorded a verdict of misadventure.