THIS year's Evening News Baby of the Year competition proved a resounding success, with 550 babies and toddlers being photographed in six days.

That was 50 more than last year and they are all potential winners of the Baby of the Year 2003 title.

A big thank you goes to Woolworths, in High Street, Worcester, for hosting the competition and to everyone who took part for their patience in the inevitable queues.

Three photographs were taken of every child and parents must be sure to go back on Friday, March 14, or Saturday, March 15, to see the photos and choose the one they would like to enter in the free competition.

There is no obligation to buy any of the photographs, but to enter the competition you must take along the coupon containing the child's details and one of the tokens which appeared in the Evening News last week.

Your chosen photograph will then be included in the special supplement in the Wednesday, April 2, edition.

Evening News readers will be invited to vote for their favourites in three age categories and a judging panel will make the final decision.

The overall winner will be chosen from one of the three category winners and will receive a framed colour portrait worth £250, an engraved silver salver and £150 cash. The remaining two category winners will receive framed colour portraits worth £150 plus £75 cash and six runners-up will each receive framed colour portraits worth £75.