A REVIEW of Worcestershire County Council's electoral boundaries has been launched.

The Boundary Committee for England aims to ensure, where possible, that every county councillor represents the same number of electors.

The review will also take into account the identities and interests of local communities in the area.

Reviews of electoral arrangements are carried out periodically because the number and distribution of electors changes over time.

The committee can recommend changes to the overall number of councillors, the number of councillors representing individual divisions, the number and boundaries of divisions, including the creation of new divisions, and the names of divisions.

It cannot consider changes to the external boundaries of a county, district or parish.

Local people, interested parties and associations are invited to submit their own proposals for changes to electoral arrangements by writing to the committee by Monday, July 7.

The address is: The Team Leader (Worcestershire), The Boundary Committee for England, Trevelyan House, Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 2HW.

Draft recommendations for the county are due to go to consultation towards the end of this year.

The committee will make its final recommendations next spring.