A BROTHER and sister will be doing their paper rounds on foot after thieves stole their bikes.

Daniel and Rachel Coleshill were devastated after discovering their bikes had been pinched from the garden at the back of their home, in Harvey Walk, off Lansdowne Road, over night.

Rachel, aged 13, has been delivering the Evening News in her neighbourhood since December last year.

Daniel, 15, has been doing a paper round for Astwood News, in Astwood Road, Worcester, for the past two years.

Now the morning paper round that used to take him 25 minutes on his bicycle is going to take twice as long.

"I used to have to get up at 6.30am, to be at the newsagent by 7am," said Daniel, who attends Bishop Perowne High School with his sister.

"Now I'll have to get up at 6am to get to the shop by 6.30am, as the round will probably take at least 40 minutes."

Their mother, Sally Coleshill, said the bikes were not on show at all, and she thinks the person who stole them knew they were there.

"They were in the back garden, right around the back," said Mrs Coleshill.

"Basically, we think whoever stole them knew they were there."

Rachel's bike is a lady's bike, about three-years-old, and is light purple.

"The brakes don't work properly and the chain keeps coming off, but she was very attached to it," said Mrs Coleshill.

Daniel's bike, however, was only six months old, having been bought as a birthday present in August, at a cost of £130.

It is an 18-speed, yellow and black Raleigh Fire Fly with V-style brakes and black, alloy components.

The theft, which happened during the night on Sunday, has been reported to Worcester police.

Anyone with information can phone 08457 444888.