TWO conmen left a house empty-handed thanks to the vigilance of an elderly man.

The pair visited a house in Ashton under Hill, near Evesham, on Tuesday, March 4, and claimed to be water board officials.

The homeowner asked to see their identification and the two said they had none on them.

The elderly man refused to let them in and they walked off without visiting any other houses.

Two days later, two men visited the same address and again claimed to be water board officials.

They said there was a flood next door and they needed to stem the pressure.

They showed a form of ID with no photos and walked into the house. The man was suspicious and said he had called the police.

He said he was going to check next door and the bogus officials left. Nothing was stolen from the man's house.

PC Gordon Heighway of Evesham police said homeowners should ring the authority the caller claims to represent if they were not satisfied they were genuine.

Crime risk manager Mike Stephenson said it was advisable to use a door chain before letting someone in.

"Always be on your guard when anyone you are not expecting - a man, woman or even a child - turns up at your door," he said.

"Thieves come in many disguises."