A PROTEST group fighting Tesco's controversial St John's supermarket bid has apologised to Worcester City Council after confused residents thought planners were behind the campaign.

The objectors attached a council document to a leaflet calling on people to oppose the development, which they then delivered to houses in St John's.

After receiving several calls from residents chief planning officer, Peter Yates, became worried that those who had received the leaflet thought the city council was deliberately canvassing for objections.

"I was very concerned that a campaign letter by that group went out with a city council letter attached," he said.

"It gave the impression that the council was actively encouraging that group."

After contacting the group, which is not operating under any name, through its website Mr Yates received an e-mailed apology.

"I am grateful for their apology but I am anxious that members of the public are made aware that the group has no connection with the council," he said.


"At this stage we are looking for people's views on the proposals and we respect that some will be in favour and some will be against."

Another campaign group, CHRISS Action Group, which was set up three years ago, has been urging the people of St John's to write to the council opposing the scheme.

St John's resident Chris Hughes believes Christopher Whitehead School should not be moved out to Earls Court Farm and replaced with a supermarket.

"We think it should stay in a central location to serve the community," he said.

"We want to get people to write in to oppose the plans - that is the most important thing."

Comments on the application should be sent to the city council by Friday, March 21.

A special meeting of the council to discuss Tesco's proposals for the site is planned for Thursday, April 10.