A COUPLE are appealing to old friends with long memories to complete their map of what Tybridge Street was like almost 60 years ago.

Doug and Jean Willis, who now run Lyndhurst Kennels, near Hallow, compiled the map themselves last year, noting down the names of families and businesses from memory.

The couple met when they both lived along the largely residential street, just after the Second World War.

However, times have changed and the hand-drawn map, consisting mostly of houses and local pubs as they were in 1945, is almost unrecognisable from today's busy road.

"It used to be lovely," said Mr Willis, aged 72.

"It had terraced houses all the way down, with five pubs and an off-licence. The Bush pub is still there today."

"There also used to be a conveyor belt from the railway to the local iron works."

And Mr Willis is also keen to get back in contact with those he grew up with in Tybridge Street.

"I lived in number 38 and my next door neighbours were two lads my age called Goodyear," he said.

"It's a shame I have lost contact with them but I do still know some of the people who have stayed in the street."

Anyone who thinks they can help piece together the Tybridge Street of 1945 and help Mr and Mrs Willis complete their map can contact Doug or Jean on 01905 640092.