IT'S amazing what falls through your letterbox these days. Personally, I just chuck it all in the bin.

However, WMP-W&H, a four-page document, caught my eye.

The quality and colours suggested it had obviously consumed quite a bit of my local taxes.

I persevered to read past the C&Is MSWs and C&Ds.

It was a struggle and I nearly gave up on page 2 but when, at last, I got to the back page consultation form, most of the information was a blur.

It would need at least a further week's study to resolve my opinion on the complex options offered. Sorry, that's time I don't have.

I wonder how many Joe Publics the authors expected to study/understand the contents of this bumf and then make a judgement on the waste disposal problem.

What is obvious is that some consultant got some extortionate fee for proposing, guess what, a consultation.

What Mr JP does need is action from local and national government to address the ever-increasing waste mountain.

They have the experts and our money, so get on with it.

Personally, I think to survive the next century we need less packaging and 100 per cent more recycling.

And leadership...

What about the thousands of tons of old analogue TVs about to be made redundant. Where will all those toxins end up?

Les Clarke

Address supplied