TENBURY pupils have been benefiting from a new minibus funded by the Active Communities initiative.

This initiative seeks to engage young people in healthy and active lifestyles through involvement in quality sporting opportunities.

The project has secured funding to purchase a 16-seater minibus to deliver services to as many young people as possible in Malvern Hills district.

In Tenbury, the first activity involving students from the High School was a huge success. The minibus enabled a group of Year 7 students the opportunity to try their hand at climbing Sport Martley's indoor climbing wall.

The club ran for six weeks giving the young people a taste of climbing and abseiling giving them confidence to try other adventurous activities.

During the Easter Holidays the Active Communities Co-ordinators are running a programme of activities based at Tenbury the High School for 11 to 13 year olds.

Backed by a minibus pick up and drop service, Sport Zone will take place every afternoon from April 14 to 17. Activities have been planned for all levels of ability.

On Friday April 18 all those taking part will be bussed to Sport Martley for a day of competitions and surprise events.

The Easter Playscheme for five to 12 year olds at Tenbury Primary School will operate between 8.30am and 4pm from Tuesday April 22 until Friday April 25.

The Active Communities project has secured funding for three years from Sport England, the Rural Transport Partnership, the Countryside Agency Communities Against Drugs and Malvern Hills District Council.

However, to ensure the long-term success and sustainability project organisers the group is looking for sponsorship from local companies. In return the company logo could be displayed on the minibus.

For more information on sponsoring and all the programmes contact Della Price, Community Activator at MHDC on telephone 01684 862359 or email her at della.price@malvernhills.gov.uk