DO the residents of Astwood Bank want an incinerator for cattle sited near the village school?

Are we familiar with the main problems it could bring? Like a fleet of sizeable vehicles trundling through the village day or night, increasing road hazards at peak busy times?

The main concern is for the future health of the children within the school grounds.

The playing fields are within the incinerator manufacturer's specified fallout area.

They are, in fact, only 110 metres (360ft) within the concentrated fallout area.

What price do we put on the future health of our children?

The fact that should the incinerator go ahead will, without doubt, make our properties less desirable but this is of no consequence to the inspectorate's decision and therefore not in the frame to be considered.

If you find the idea of incineration in the village unacceptable, then act now.

Don't leave it to your neighbours - they could be leaving it to you.

If enough of us appear to be not bothered, then it will happen.

Monday, February 17, was the cut-off date for the planning inspectorate to receive your written views.

Is your letter there with mine?

The hearing dates are July 8-9. Are they in your diary?

ABAI will be holding a public meeting to update us on the proposed way forward at Ridgeway School on Wednesday, March 26.

ABAI needs our continuing support and will be as effective as the number of people who support it - in word, thought, deed and money.

We all need to work together, so here's to seeing you there.

Am I a NIMBY? No, but I am a NAPIC - not anywhere polluting infants or children.

Charles Nightingale

Astwood Bank