THE trust which runs the Alexandra Hospital has shown ''reporting errors'' in its waiting lists, a report has revealed.

Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust showed evidence of reporting errors in the percentage of patients waiting less than six months and more than a year for admission, the Audit Commission said.

''System weaknesses'' were also found in the percentage of outpatients reported to have been seen within 13 weeks and 26 weeks of GP referral.

There was no suggestion of deliberate manipulation of waiting lists but the trust has admitted it needs to update its computer systems.

The trust was also highlighted as an example of good practice when it came to urgent cancer referrals.

A trust spokesman said: "We'd like to reassure all our patients there is no reason why any of the issues highlighted would cause them to wait longer for their treatment.

"No-one has 'dropped off the bottom' of any waiting lists.

"We have already publicly acknowledged that introducing new, more effective ways of monitoring waiting list data must be one of the trust's key priorities for 2003 and significant steps forward have already been taken.

"Part of the problem is the need to update our IT systems. We have plans in place to buy a modern hospital information system which we hope will be approved by the Strategic Health Authority in the next month or so."