DEAR EDITOR - Large meetings rarely achieve anything, unless they are structured. Therefore you ask for questions in writing via the newspapers, many questions will then fall into a pattern and can be answered without having to address each question.

After the general question is answered, some people may have made additional relevant points, which can be addressed to an individual questioner.

We can then move onto the next scenario. Here are two relevant questions:

1. The Worcestershire Hotel - The great majority of people are disgusted at this planning permission. The majority would have accepted a turning of the building into flats, or even just keeping the faade. To demolish the place is sacrilege. Other people believe that the building should have been used as some sort of tourist attraction or facility. So why was permission given to demolish? The Impney Group has had plenty out of Droitwich. They should have been pressurised into putting something back and doing the right thing.

2. The supermarket on Saltway car park - People en masse wanted a hypermarket near Homebase. The name of the supermarket is irrelevant. Why did they give permission? A parish poll of 90 per cent voted for this action. Before you tell me what was on the ballot slip, let me tell you that had the public meeting gone ahead, the facts would have been very apparent. But, of course, that is why it was not called. It was suggested to Pam Davey that a parish poll be called to directly address the issue - no was the answer. Why are they building on Saltway car park specifically against public opinion?

Employing an outsider to chair is a good idea.

Jim Brant,

Droitwich Spa resident.