Dear Editor - I write to thank Mr Reddie for his letter that so rightly and clearly questions those heartless acts of disrespect committed in the cemetery by Bromsgrove District Council.

The council should act where dangerous situations exist, as harm to people must be avoided. The council sign positioned on the Fairfield to Hagley Road is a good example. This reminds drivers of road accidents and fatalities over the past three years. In contrast, does anyone recollect a fatality caused by headstones in Bromsgrove cemetery in the last 100 years?

On the subject of safety, it is obvious that the hazard of headstones laid flat risks injury to those that will trip over them. Previously no such hazard existed. This being the case, the council has not removed the theoretical consequence of death being caused by an unsafe headstone. The difference created is the council, and we as taxpayers, will now be liable.

I remain stunned that Bromsgrove council took such irresponsible and insensitive action. I hope that the silence of councillors and our MP means they are planning to make certain this disgraceful state of affairs is put right. If money is a problem I will gladly contribute to any public fund-raising campaign to have the damage rectified.

Joe Patton,
