DEAR EDITOR - Councillor Pam Davey's recent letter replying to RG Carlisle was a disgrace. She claimed that she and Cllr Don Lawley originally proposed the vacant magistrates courts to be used to expand Droitwich Health Centre. She crudely canvassed our votes in coming council elections. Her nerve is unbelievable.

I did attend the public consultation meeting on health provision for Droitwich held in January. I sat at the back and listened closely to everything that was said. Don Lawley gave an ingratiating short welcome to visiting councillors from elsewhere, health authority officials, council officers and other dignitaries. But he did not make the proposal of more health facilities. And he did not speak again to claim so when it was made by a member of the public.

Pam Davey did speak at length. She accused health and council officials of misleading her, when she made decisions as chair of our local health trust. When Worcester Hospital was built with too few beds. When our local convalescent home was sold. When she voted to close and demolish our town's hospital. Her tirade was amazing. She kept repeating the quote: "Droitwich has been sold down the river on health care". How True!

Mrs Davey did not broach the subject of the magistrates courts or challenge the member of the public who actually did. She now tries to hijack the idea to gain votes in the May council elections. How sad the craving for power should lead to such desperate and inept political spin doctoring.

Miss M Dudgeon,

Droitwich Spa.