Dear Editor - I would like to bring to your readers' attention the existence of a part of

the district of Bromsgrove with which they may not be familiar.

Despite our "Birmingham B47" postal address Wythall (the parish includes Hollywood, Walkers Heath and Majors Green) is part of Worcestershire and Bromsgrove.

The total population of Wythall is some 11,500 men, women and children, plus many horses! We thus account for approximately 15 per cent of the total population of the district.

Unlike other parts of Bromsgrove, we have no bus services on Sundays. And we have no direct public transport links with the town. So our senior citizens have no need for the district-wide bus concession and benefit from the "parish" bus pass, which gives them free travel locally and into the West Midlands.

Due to our geographical isolation, most of our residents have little cause to avail themselves of the sports and leisure facilities offered by Bromsgrove. Wythall does not need the planned arts centre. All we have is a sub-standard dual-use sports centre at Woodrush High School. Other sports and recreation facilities in Wythall are provided by the private sector or charitable bodies.

Unlike other centres of population throughout the district, Wythall is still awaiting its first CCTV cameras to help reduce crime and disorder in the area. Everyone acknowledges the value of CCTV but while places like Rubery are given more and more cameras, the needs of Wythall are simply ignored.

Wythall has been targeted to receive two Areas of Development Restraint (a euphemism for Green Belt land that will have houses built on it), despite the needs for housing being satisfied elsewhere in Bromsgrove.

The district Council Tax has increased by no less than 58 per cent over the past four years and yet the only service most residents receive is having (their own) dustbins emptied once a week at present, and soon to be only once a fortnight when new arrangements are brought into force.

Democracy has reached Wythall and the people will be electing five district councillors to represent them on May 1. The successful candidates may be from the major national political parties or, as in the past, local residents and Council Tax payers from the long-established Wythall Residents' and Ratepayers Association (WRRA).

Wythall has its own distinctive character and needs and has for too long been ignored and under-resourced by the district council.

Yours with sadness and regret.

Councillor Stephen Peters,

South Wythall Ward