Dear Editor - I wouldn't normally write to a newspaper, however this is a subject that I am getting increasingly annoyed by.

Recently the 30mph speed limit through Marlbrook (Old Birmingham Road) was extended up to the entrance to Grange Park. However, it seems that since the introduction of this, drivers are exceeding the speed limit more than ever through this area.

This is also the case in the new 30mph speed limit from Alvechuch Highway up to Lickey Church. It's very sad when there are constant TV and radio campaigns telling us that 20 children per week are killed or seriously injured in road accidents and that we should 'kill our speed' - then you get idiots overtaking you at 60mph in 30mph areas.

I know that this is just one stretch of road in one small part of the country and it's not unique but if drivers just took two seconds to think before they roared past other drivers who are actually doing the speed limit, then perhaps the number of children who die unnecessarily might drop.

It's bad enough when you are overtaken by 'boy racers' in their souped-up Fiesta mark one's who don't know any better but it's worse when the main culprits are men in large family cars more often than not with their children in the vehicle. They should know better.

It's inevitable that traffic problems will get worse as there are more and more cars on the road. I just think that it's pointless the county council making decisions to lower the speed limit but then nothing is done to monitor it or enforce it.

(PS I also know what a box junction is)

Roz Pryke, Marlbrook.

(by e-mail)