DEAR EDITOR - I wish to inform the residents of Charford that I have ceased to be a member of the Labour party as from February 26, 2003, but I will continue to serve them as a residents' representative, meaning that I shall be serving the people as opposed to serving the party.

I have made this decision because I have seen a party which I have campaigned for over many years, change into a body which is unrepresentative and self-serving.

I can no longer represent so-called "New Labour" which is dictatorial, arrogant and, at a local and national level, continues to pursue its own agenda, while continually disregarding the will of the people.

I would normally resign my position as a councillor and cause a by-election to be held but as there are only two months to the May elections, I feel that it would be unfair to inflict such a financial burden on the electorate.

I shall, of course, continue to hold my weekly surgeries at the Resource Centre in Humphrey Avenue between 2 and 3pm on Mondays.

Lesley McNamara,

Residents Representative.