A TERRIBLE accident befell Cornelius Wakeman from Rock Hill, a builder's labourer, while he worked on a roof at the Midland Railway Carriage Works at Aston Fields. He cheated death when he fell some 30 feet on to a stone floor breaking several limbs and sustaining a head wound in the process. His son, who worked at the railway station nearby, fainted when told the news. Dr Beilby was summoned and he instructed that Mr Wakeman be conveyed on the works stretcher to the Cottage Hospital where his condition was later said to be satisfactory.


THOMAS Bond, of no fixed abode, was given a month's hard labour at Worcester Jail by Bromsgrove magistrates after being found guilty of stealing an overcoat worth 10/- (50p) belonging to George Evans, of Lickey Square. Evans' wife had spotted Bond take the coat from their garden and had given chase. Bond was finally apprehended at Bromsgrove.


A PLAN to set up an ambulance class in Bromsgrove to teach members the rudiments of first aid, looked set to go ahead. The Messenger said both police and firemen would benefit from such a scheme. A class already existed at Aston Fields.


THE live pigeon shoot held at the New Rose and Crown pub at Rubery had been a big success and had attracted some of the best shots in Britain. The event had been organised by the well-known Warwickshire county cricketer Mr A Lilley, who had put up £10 in prizes, plus a tankard.


SARAH, wife of Herbert Turner, a bargeman of Hanbury Terrace, appeared before Droitwich police court charged with assaulting Elizabeth Richards a teacher at the National Schools, by punching her on the head. It followed her son having been caned by the head after she had ordered him from her class. She was fined 10/- (50p) including costs and warned such conduct would not be tolerated in future.