AN ALCESTER councillor has branded Advantage Alcester's display of plans for the town as "appalling".

About 400 people are believed to have visited the first public consultation event held at Globe House last month - hailed a success by organisers.

But speaking at a town council meeting, Councillor Malcolm Graham said: "I think most of us took the time to go and have a look at the plans.

"The boards were very nice and pretty but the way it was presented was appalling.

"How can consultants get it that wrong?"

His criticism was echoed by fellow councillor Sue Adams, who said: "It was presented very badly but the biggest thing was that they hadn't addressed the problem with car parking."

But Councillor Jim Kenyon supported Advantage Alcester and said the plans were encouraging.

He added: "They were giving the town back to the people rather than the dreaded motor car."

Advantage Alcester chairman Lise Evans said: "We agree that it was unfortunate certain parts of the display were placed too low but we'd like to remind people that the exhibition has remained at Globe House since February 13th to enable the public to revisit in their own time.

"The purpose of the consultation day was to obtain views and to get people thinking about the town and the issues it faces.

"This was certainly achieved and more than 100 comment sheets were returned.

"We welcome the town council's comments, which are important to us."

The final report from WSP Development, which includes an Alcester action plan, should arrive on Friday.

The document will mark the end of five months research, consultation and collaboration with local groups, societies, individuals and authorities that will give Alcester a way forward with regard to new development opportunities.

A full copy of the document and copies of the comment sheets should be available for inspection at Alcester Library soon.