Advantage Alcester received more than 100 response sheets.

Here is a selection of comments:

On plans for High Street:

"Anything that relieves traffic congestion on the High Street is welcome."

"I welcome measures to make the street more attractive, a people place and less of a place to drive through."

"More shops, not offices, estate agents etc."

On ideas for transforming the area around the town hall:

"An excellent idea to create an area where people can meet, have a chat etc."

"Terrific idea but doubt it will ever become a reality - the car rules, remember!"

"I like the idea of a market area with a regular farmers market. This would certainly bring more people into Alcester."

On improving tourism:

"Get the museum up and running."

"River Arrow navigation very exciting."

"More information for visitors."

Other comments:

"The vision bodes well for Alcester's future."

"More development needed for youth."

"The pavements and tueries are diabolical for people with walking problems."

"My key concern is for provision of adequate parking for High Street residents."