THE proposal for capital at Alcester High School Technology College (AHSTC) was successful with the council supporting it.

A total of £1.7 million is to be spent upgrading the accommodation over the next couple of years.

Your help cannot be underestimated in this result, embarrassing those who matter into action. Although we are carrying on with our campaign, our minimum fallback position is achieved now.

Thank you and the Alcester Chronicle for its support of our campaign to improve the educational facilities for the community of Alcester.

In adding to the weight of opinion, your paper has helped improve significantly the quality of provision of education for the local children and others who use the school facilities. The staff will be overjoyed at the prospect of improved working conditions.

We have been informed that one of the criteria for the PFI bid was academic achievement. Obviously, AHSTC did not qualify there as results have improved year on year despite the deteriorating accommodation problems. A testament to Annabelle's leadership and the staff's commitment.

Andrew Gretton

Action for New Educational Resources for Alcester High School