AN "iron curtain" will be created around Alcester if the Local Plan goes ahead, a town business has warned.

Stratford Council is proposing to extend green belt to land near Allimore Lane, Kinwarton Farm Road and to the north of the Arden Forest Industrial Estate in its revised draft of the plan.

But Alcester Estates fears growing businesses will lose out as there will be no room for potential expansion.

Chairman Dennis Edwards voiced his concerns to Alcester councillors at a meeting and said: "There is considerable concern among a number of industrialists in Alcester that there is no room for future expansion of businesses.

"At least seven businesses are going to make an objection to the district council about the plans."

He added business in Alcester was booming, with Advantage Alcester actively encouraging more investment at the Minerva Mill Innovation Centre.

But he asked where any new firms would go if they wanted to come to the town.

Mr Edwards said: "If the plans go-ahead, it will be like putting an iron curtain around Alcester, freezing industry for the next generation of workers."

Alcester Mayor Ron Leek said: "I can say that we in this council support you wholeheartedly.

"What you're voicing is our own concern, which we have put to the district council during the planning stage but they chose to disregard our point of view."

The revised draft of the local plan was agreed by councillors in November and is still open for public consultation.

If objections are received and cannot be resolved, a public inquiry by an independent inspector will start in the autumn.