In February a group of members represented the club at a wine competition in Llandudno. The event was more of a social event than a competition and a grand time was had by all.

The members of the new committee held their 2003 committee dinner at Spiders in Droitwich and enjoyed some excellent food and good service while discussing forthcoming activities and events.

The February meeting saw club president Graham Hawkins once more imparting his wisdom and experience with an entertaining and informative talk on rose wines and on the characteristics of the different grapes and the variations in fermentation methods which give each wine its particular character and taste. Graham came prepared with examples of wines from different countries.

The monthly competition was for the Len Rawsthorne Trophy, with the class being red social wine. In third place was Dave Hirons, second was Sylvia Lakin and in first place was Brenda Hawkins. Although the next meeting is Skittles night at the Royal British Legion Club, the Winemakers Club normally meets at The Old Library Centre in Ombersley Street at 8pm on the third Wednesday of each month.