AFTER a lunch of either chicken or salmon (both delicious), we settled down to the all-important AGM.

The decision had to be taken to increase the annual subscription from £7 to £10 - not without some opposition. But having explained the costs of speakers' fees and fewer members, the increase was agreed.

Ruth Butler has retired from committee work to enjoy a well-earned rest. Her place as treasurer has been taken by Pippa Spalding and the secretary is Brenda Graham. Betty Long is still chairman, Catherine Kealy remains president and Miss Patience Reid OBE bravely volunteered to join the happy band for the coming year. We were very pleased to welcome her.

After business was dealt with the chairman welcomed the speaker, Mrs Morris, who had brought some slides of her holidays spent in Ireland and Scotland. There were lots of shots, some very close up of birds, animals, flowers and beautiful views of mountains, streams, and lochs.

The chairman gave the vote of thanks and reminded members of the date of the next meeting, March 20, when the speaker will be Peter Jarrett, Chairman of the Bromsgrove Conservative Association.