I READ with great interest the article by John Phillpott headlined "It's Cripplegate all over again."

My understanding of the Swan Theatre proceedings differ somewhat from the article.

Like many members of the public, I witnessed the events earlier in the year, when the Cabinet members defended their position over the proposed cuts to resolve their self-inflicted crisis of some £1.3m.

No one in that meeting had any doubt that the Swan was not to get another penny, nor indeed were those very young emotional speakers representing youth, who were trying to plead with the Cabinet members to understand their plight.

The leaders of each opposition group voiced their concerns only to receive a clear statement from Councillor Stephen Inman - "if you can come up with a solution then the cabinet will consider it."

The Evening News then reported the endeavours of Councillor Adrian Gregson, who openly tried hard to put together a package with the management of the Swan Theatre, with only the £54,000 put on the table by Coun Inman and his cabinet - which everyone knew was not enough.

It now appears Coun Inman was in discussions with Huntingdon Hall director Chris Jaeger at the same time, and far from there not being "an extra penny", the final deal could amount to as much as an extra £70,000.

This proves that Coun Inman misled his own party, opposition groups, the media and the public.

Mr Phillpott should be aware that responsible opposition groups have a duty to scrutinise all matters, especially such secretive tactics. As a member of the public, I want to know why we were told such a yarn, where did the extra money come from, is the Cabinet proposal sound, and have other groups had the opportunity to also put forward a rescue package on an equal footing?

Finally, the suggestion made that the Labour Group would scupper any deal if it "called in" in the Cabinet's decision due to the amount of time it would take is incorrect.

The Cabinet cannot make a final decision until their next meeting on March 18, therefore adequate time would be available to fully explore all options.

I hope all opposition groups will fall behind Adrian Gregson and ensure that this matter is properly out in the open and ensure that no further mishandling can take place by this Tory administration.

Surely the public would expect nothing else.


Worcestershire County Councillor.