POLICE in Studley have been dealing with a spate of nuisance behaviour which has lately seen the windows in the village medical centre smashed.

On Sunday night, three large panes of glass in the High Street building were smashed with stones. It follows a similar attack earlier this year.

Studley community Beat officer Carolyn Loxton said the culprits were likely to be youths and asked people to be vigilant.

Pc Loxton said a lot of homes in the villages had recently been the target of egg throwing as well.

"We've had to speak to shops like the Co-op and butchers to make sure they are disposing of their old eggs thoroughly because it seems youths are getting them out of bins," she said.

"It tends to be elderly people that it affects most so it's not very nice."

Meanwhile, cars are still being targeted by criminals.

On Thursday night, two cars had locks forced in the Boot Inn car park in Mappleborough Green and the following night, a similar attack on two cars happened at Studley Castle.

Though nothing was stolen, Pc Loxton stressed the need to secure cars properly and take all valuable items out.

Anyone with details can call Alcester police station on 01789 762207.