SOAR-A-WAY Sydney, the cockatiel who went missing last week, has been returned safely to her family - thanks to the Advertiser/Messenger.

Sydney, who belongs to the Jefford family in Blackwell, had flown out of their back door last Monday while mum Sandy and her two sons were getting ready for school.

The distressed mum got straight on to the Advertiser/Messenger and we printed her appeal for Sydney's return.

Hamish Wilson, of Wilson, Walker and Barnby veterinary practice in New Road, Rubery, was reading the Advertiser/Messenger when he spotted the article.

He remembered a cockatiel, which had been brought into the vets last Tuesday night. The grey-feathered bird had been found on a shed roof in Rubery, which is about three miles away from Blackwell.

The vet phoned Mrs Jefford who gave a detailed description of the adventurous bird and Sydney was returned to the family on Friday.

Sandy said: "We are absolutely delighted to have Sydney back at home. We were so distraught when she flew away."

Her youngest son, Will, was eight-years-old on Friday and he said: "It is the best birthday present ever!"