THE ball has started rolling for plans to develop the surplus land at MG Rover's Longbridge car plant.

The proposals, which are being considered by Birmingham City Council, comprise the redevelopment of former West A and B car parks into a 60-bed hotel and restaurant, a trade park, three retail units and a drive-through restaurant.

The old west works, north works, south works and three car parks, along Bristol Road South, would be flattened.

MG Rover is developing the site in partnership with St Modwen Properties PLC.

MG Rover employs about 7,000 people, at its Longbridge site, many from the Bromsgrove area.

Tim Hurdiss, of St Modwen Properties, said: "This is the first part of redevelopment that will help to transform the area, provide new facilities and jobs for local people."

The development will create about 95 jobs in the West B car park and 30 jobs in the West A car park.

He added: "The uses are in accordance with the supplementary planning guidance prepared by Birmingham City Council.

"We hope, subject to planning, to begin work on site in the spring."