A RUBERY mum has spoken out at what she says is an increase in violent attacks in the area.

Julie Williams says that since Christmas there has been a significant rise in 'threatening and violent attacks' in the village.

Just six weeks ago, one of Julie's two sons was hit as he stood outside their house. Then, last week, her other 17-year-old son was the victim of an attack, which resulted in him needing four stitches in his face.

She claims he was jeered by a group of youths and then punched in the face.

The family had suffered two bereavements earlier in the year from a crash on the M42 and, for Julie, this attack was the last straw.

"Our family has been through so much this year and I just feel we can't take any more," she said.

"The violence has definitely escalated.

"I think it's because there is nothing for the young people to do.

"I know of at least one youth group that has closed.

"The police, with whom we have been dealing, agreed with us that the situation has got worse since Christmas."

Youth worker at Rubery Youth and Community Centre, Kim Caves, said: "We have had more young people joining us recently which I had put down to the youth group at Colmer's Farm School closing a little while ago.

"I've noticed more groups of young people hanging around Great Park."

Spokeswoman for Bromsgrove and Redditch Police, Joanne Hammond said: "We are not aware of any problems with gangs of youths in the Rubery area but if anyone has been a victim please come forward and tell us."