A WEBSITE, which gives Rubery residents weekly updates on crime in the village, has been saved, thanks to a surge of community interest.

Last month the Advertiser/Messenger revealed the Rubery Neighbourhood Watch site was folding due to apathy from villagers.

The website had asked people to get in touch if they felt it was a useful resource, but no responses were received.

However, following the article in the Advertiser/Messenger, there was a surge of interest from concerned residents who said they would like to see the site continued.

The man who has run the site for three years, and does not wish to be named, has expressed his delight with the positive response.

"To date I have received 12 e-mails asking for these bulletins to continue," he said.

"It is good to know that people are interested."

Information is collected from a police voice bank and posted online on a weekly basis. The site also encourages residents to be vigilant and look out for one another.

"The Rubery watch chairman David McGrath believes the site is a useful form of communication and has asked me to provide him with a report and suggestions for the next meeting in April," the site operator added.

He has also enlisted the help of Inspector Dave Willetts, at Redditch division, to help draw up a map of the area to cover the changeover to Kidderminster division. The next meeting of Rubery Neighbourhood Watch is planned for April 30, at the Youth and Community Centre, in New Road.