AN adventure seeking Westlands resident has organised a black tie bash to help fund a charity trek in China.

Brett Moore will be one of the last ever people to walk along a special stretch of the Yangtze River, which is being flooded to create the world's largest dam.

The sponsored journey aims to raise bags of cash for Acorns Children's Hospice Trust and 29-year-old Brett must raise £2,500 before he can set off in May.

He has worked at Webbs of Wychbold since he was 15 and chose Acorns because the garden centre is trying to raise £100,000 in 2003 for the children's charity.

The senior gardens advisor, of Thatchers Court, will be accompanied by colleague Pete Brooks and they are both in training to ensure they can keep up the pace during the five day trek.

"It's a chance of a lifetime," Brett told the Advertiser.

"For the last ten years the Chinese government have been re-locating people out of the Yangtze gauge and it will be flooded a week after we leave.

"I believe it will create the world's biggest dam and generate energy for people miles around."

The former Droitwich Spa High School student has organised a dinner and dance at the Copcut Elm, off the A38, to boost coffers.

Tickets are £25 each and include a three-course meal and disco. He has about six tables left to sell. If you can help, call Brett, after 6pm, on 07973 981865.