VANDALISM in Droitwich Spa provided a heated discussion at the town's annual meeting.

A number of residents complained about trouble caused by youths, last Monday night.

One Burrish Street householder said teenagers had begun to congregate in his road and create a general nuisance.

He told fellow residents at the Heritage Way community hall, that a car window had been smashed, bin bags had been set on fire and water board equipment had been damaged in recent weeks.


"Older residents are scared and frightened in their own homes," he added.

Town Mayor Terry Spencer, who chaired the meeting, said the police, authorities and residents need to work together to tackle vandalism and anti-social behaviour.

"Ninety five per cent of young people are a credit to the town but a small minority cause problems. Parents must be aware of where their children are and what they are doing."

Jim Brant commented that when gangs are moved on, trouble often flares up somewhere else.