A BRAVE cancer victim from Droitwich Spa has heaped praise on a hospice serving the town, which provides her with a wealth of support and understanding.

Kathy Taylor-Wright is one of the many patients who benefit from care and services offered by St Richard's Hospice, in Worcester.

The 56-year-old, who has lived in Droitwich for twenty years, was diagnosed with a brain tumour two and a half years ago after suffering debilitating headaches.

Following an operation to remove as much of the tumour as possible, and 30 sessions of radiotherapy, Kathy was referred to St Richard's Hospice.

She is among hundreds of residents from across south Worcestershire who use the day centre and currently she attends twice a week.

There are many aspects of St Richard's which Kathy says mean a great deal to her.

Depending on how well she feels on the day in question, Kathy is positive and keen to participate in as many of the daily activities St Richard's Hospice provides as possible.

"At first I felt self-conscious but the hospice volunteers are always so encouraging and never push you beyond what you feel like attempting." she told the Advertiser.

Activities can include painting and craft work and there are also hairdressing facilities and hand massages available.

Another attraction are the tasty and nutritious lunches on offer.

Building friendships has also been an important part of Kathy's visits and she said it's comforting to be in the company of people who may be in a similar position, and who can listen and understand.


Kathy, who is married, added: "When I have a teary day, especially after a session of chemotherapy, I don't have to put on a brave face because at St Richard's there is always someone who will listen and understand.

"My involvement with the hospice is entirely a positive experience."

In addition to her visits to the day hospice, Kathy benefits from a home care service provided by the independent charity and enjoy visits from nurse every fortnight.

If you would like to become a hospice volunteer or make a donation to St Richards, please call 01905 763963.