BORtSCH and bumper banquets may have put paid to a runner's chances of a new personal best in the London marathon next month.

Nick Busby of Brimfield has gained 10lbs in weight since last October when he was joined for a six-month visit by Ukrainian girlfriend Svetlana.

Running this year to raise funds for a mobile cerebral palsy treatment unit, Nick has entetered about half-a-dozen times before and managed a creditable time of about three-and-a-half hours.

But of this year's prospects he said: "I think I am going to have to run as a banana to get people to sponsor me. I am training hard but have a long way to go. The problem is Sevtlana's wonderful cooking."

Svetlana is ready to join him in the gym for training sessions but is apparently not keen on outdoor running in winter weather, notwithstanding the climate in her home country.

Nick, a computer aided design specialist working in Telford, regrets nothing however. He plans a visit to Svetlana's home town soon after completing the marathon.

Anyone who would like to sponsor Nick should call 01584 711671.