MEMBERS were welcomed with a blaze of spring colour at our March meeting, with our competition table a maze of daffodils, hyacinths, crocus and snowdrops.

It was a lovely sight and a hint of the warmer months ahead.

Our speaker for the evening was Neil Cook, who gave an excellent talk on the Recreation of the Gardens of Hanbury Hall, delving into the history of the hall itself before going on to explain in great detail the time, effort and expense involved in recreating the gardens.

The work is ongoing and knowledge is being gained all the time on how the gardens have evolved.

His talk was both informative and humorous.

Our next meeting will be on April 2 when Mrs J Andrews will come along to talk about the Victorian Plant Hunter, Charles Maries.

We are always pleased to welcome guests to our meetings, which are held on the first Wednesday in the month at the village hall, Alcester Road at 7.30pm.

Our programme of forthcoming speakers can be seen on the notice board in the foyer of Wythall Library.