Clee Hill 6 pts Tenbury 0-

THIS North Midlands 2 local derby was always expected to be an uncompromising clash between old rivals, and with a heavy pitch and strong wind making it difficult to play open rugby, it inevitably turned into a forward struggle that always threatened to erupt into a spoiling brawl.

Clee elected to play down the slope and against a stiff wind. Tenbury's skilful backs showed promise as they ran the ball at their opponents, but Clee realised their threat and set about keeping the ball tight.

Tenbury lost their scrum-half Dean Jervis with a shoulder injury and re-organised with skipper Steve Price moving up from fly-half. Play became very scrappy and was generally confined to mid-field with very few half chances created.

After the break home fly-half Karl Newman used his powerful boot, and the following wind, to regularly send Tenbury back into their own 22 metre area. The visitors were forced to defend and eventually strayed off-side, Newman landing the resulting kick to break the deadlock.

Minutes later he repeated the exercise and, although Tenbury made a late bid when full-back Andy Yeomans joined the backs to cross the line, he was held up and could not ground the ball.