A REDDITCH group specifically set up for children with special needs is desperately trying to raise enough cash to take youngsters and their families on a trip to Legoland this summer.

WASP Special Needs Club has to raise almost £800 and so far has just £50 due to limited funds.

The club, which was set up about 25 years ago, meets from 10am-noon at Matchborough Soft Play Centre in Dilwyn Close.

Secretary Annette Smith said: "Most of our membership is families with children on the autistic spectrum or who have Down's Syndrome, global development delay or other learning disabilities.

"Many of our children also live in foster family environments."

About 20-25 youngsters attend the club but only about half have special needs.

"A lot of families with a special needs child will not use other facilities because they fear rude comments from the public, which means other siblings never get the chance to go to them either.

"It gives the children with special needs the chance to interact with others without disabilities, siblings the chance to interact with other siblings and parents and carers the chance to get together and discuss issues."

"Our only criteria is that you have a special needs child in your family," said Ms Smith.

She added: "We are a non-profit-making community group and are self-funded through donations and weekly subscriptions.

"We organise a trip away once a year because a lot of the children never have a holiday and we would be most grateful for help with our fund-raising effort."

Shoe company Timpson has donated £50 towards the trip and Bromsgrove Bus and Coach Company has pledged a special rate of less than £400 for transport.

To make a donation, call Ms Smith on 402020.