A STUDLEY school will have a double celebration at the end of the month and former pupils are being urged to get involved.

Studley CoE Junior School in New Road was opened 40 years ago by Edward Heath.

But this year it is expanding, with a new classroom nearly completed for Year 3.

On March 27, a celebration assembly will be held and then later the doors are being flung open to welcome pupils old and new.

Three tours will be held at 2.30pm, 4pm and 6pm for old pupils but also for parents of prospective pupils.

Governor Judith McLelland said there would be plenty happening on the day including displays and practice sessions by the Blue and White Skippers and the school choir.

Mrs McLelland is also keen to hear from pupils who remember the opening ceremony at the school or who have any stories.

Anyone who can help can call her on 852532.