A WORCESTERSHIRE MP is championing a new law that would ensure every household in the county is provided with doorstep recycling.

Peter Luff is backing the bill, which will be debated in Parliament tomorrow.

At the moment only Wychavon District Council offers doorstep recycling facilities in Worcestershire.

Worcester City Council is planning to introduce a scheme in June, which will encourage householders to separate plastics, paper, textiles and cans.

Malvern Hills District Council, Wyre Forest District Council and Bromsgrove District Council are also in the planning stage to introduce similar schemes over the next tax year.

Around 15 per cent of waste is recycled in Worcestershire each year.

"It is obvious that we should be recycling far more than we currently do," said Mr Luff, the MP for Mid-Worcestershire.

"People want to recycle but they often lack the facilities to do so. On holiday in the USA and Europe, I have seen for myself how much more other countries do to encourage recycling.

"That is why I support Joan Ruddock's Recycling Bill. The details can be thrashed out in committee, but it does deserve to go on to that committee stage.

"I hope the Government will say it supports the bill on Friday and that no vote will be necessary. But if there is a vote, I will be there.

"The UK has an appalling recycling record. We only recycle around 12 per cent of our waste, whereas some of our European neighbours recycle and compost more than 50 per cent."

Among the MPs who have pledged to back the bill are West Worcestershire MP Sir Michael Spicer, Leominster MP Bill Wiggin and Hereford MP Paul Keetch.