YOUNG First Aiders who should be commended for acting quickly and calmly in an emergency situation are being sought for an awards ceremony.

Last year Bromsgrove teenager Rachel Clements was named Young First Aider of the Year by St John Ambulance.

The 14-year-old was travelling back from a Guides trip in Switzerland, in August 2000, when the coach in which she was travelling was involved in a head-on collision with a lorry.

Despite having a hand injury and knowing her mother and sister had also probably been hurt in the crash, her first concern was to help others.

The South Bromsgrove High School pupil sorted out the casualties and administered First Aid for shock and bleeding.

St John Ambulance is on the look-out for young First Aiders aged between seven and 18 for this year's ceremony.

Winners will be presented with their award at a special ceremony on Tuesday, July 8, at London Zoo.

"There are so many young people like Rachel out there who deserve to be commended for employing their First Aid knowledge in a real life situation," said Jon Cunningham, training manager at St John Ambulance.

"I can't emphasise enough the effectiveness First Aid can have between the time of the accident and when the emergency services arrive."

If you know a young person who fits the bill contact Lynda Coude at St John Ambulance on 0207 324 4265.

The closing date for nominations is Tuesday, May 20.