STUDENTS at Pershore High School are performing My Fair Lady this week.

Sixth formers Katy Rooke and Sara Spurr share the lead role of Eliza Doolittle.

Fellow sixth former Chris Green will play Professor Henry Higgins. Fifth year student Jared Thomas plays Colonel Pickering.

The play is centred around Professor Higgins who boasts to a friend he can teach a flower girl with a thick Cockney accent to "speak like a lady."

Eliza overhears him. A few days later she appears at his front door offering to pay for speech lessons.

Head of drama Katie Spendlove said: "We have been rehearsing since September. Pupils from all years are involved in the production."

She adds: "The sets have been made by the technology department and the head of music is performing for us. We have hired most of the costumes because for me it was very important they were in keeping with the period."

The school is putting on three performances in the school hall from Thursday, March 13 to Saturday, March 15, starting at 7.30pm.

Tickets costs £5 for adults and £4 for students.