WORK specified under the first phase of restoration at St. Mary's Church, Stanford with Orleton, has been completed at a cost of £229,400.

Apart from the retentions, which are covered by church reserves, the sum has been paid, thanks to English Heritage lottery funding and a tremendous effort by locals who raised a magnificent £15,000.

Re-plastering was much more extensive than expected and to enable this to fully dry out in time for the big clean-up, the church will not reopen until early May. In the meantime, services will continue to be held at the village hall.

Thanking everyone who contributed in whatever way to the restoration programme, Brian Mills, chairman of St. Mary's Church committee, said: "For a small village with just 120 people on the parish register, raising £15,000 is a wonderful achievement.

"I am pleased to announce that we have received a second grant offer of £150,000 from English Heritage for the second phase covering repairs to the tower walls and roof. However, the total expenditure for this phase is estimated at £190,000, leaving us to find £43,200."

At a meeting of the church committee held in February, it was agreed that before committing to the additional expenditure members would look at positive ways forward.

As well as interior restoration, visitors to St. Mary's will see a much-improved turn-in from the road and a turning area at the top of the drive.