A Stourport father-of-two died four days after his home was burgled on Christmas Day 2001, Worcester Crown Court was told.

Edwin Kotla, of Larford Walk, suffered a heart attack, said Andrew Wallace, prosecuting.

The family had gone out for a drink on Christmas afternoon and returned to find their house had been broken into and jewellery, chocolate, CDs and soft toys stolen.

Brett Cope, 20, of Chequers Close, Stourport, denied he was the burglar and a not guilty verdict was entered after the prosecution accepted his plea.

But he was sent to detention for two months after pleading guilty to theft by finding £6 worth of soft toys in a carrier bag in his mother's garden.

Mr Wallace said Cope was arrested on January 15 last year after a tip-off and the soft toys were found at his home. He made no comment when interviewed by police.

Mark Kellett, defending, said Cope was on the way home from a girlfriend in Worcester when he found the soft toys. There was no sign of the other items.

He conceded that Cope had an unenviable record with several convictions since 1997 but he wanted to set up home on release with his girlfriend and their young child.

Cope is currently serving a 23-month sentence for assault, theft and escape from custody. Judge John Cavell ordered that the two months he imposed should start from May 30, Cope's previous release date.